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Monday, November 22, 2010

Pope's Statement Agrees with Church Standings Despite Popular Belief

Today at school people were all talking about the Pope supposedly endorsing condoms. I was extremely curious to find out what the Pope had exactly said in his interview early this past weekend. Megan Gibson's latest post answered my questions.
Her post from Sunday explains that all the hype is accredited to misunderstanding the Pope's responses. The Pope does not support the use of condoms as a contraceptive, but says it might help prevent the spreading of the AIDS virus between male prostitutes and their clients.
She was quick to get this out to ensure that some of the rumors might not grow as large by fighting them with the actual facts. I agree with her, the Catholic Church does not need rumors flying around questioning important beliefs. As a Catholic I was almost appalled at the different rumors I had heard during one day at school.
  • She cites a breakdown of the interview,8599,2032433,00.html
  • "So what exactly did the Pope say about condoms? He stands by the Church's position that they should not be used for contraception but that in some situations, they may be justifiably used by male prostitutes hoping to prevent the spread of HIV"
Her rhetorical question in the above quote asks the question that the reader is hoping for an answer to. It brings focus to the answer while bringing the reader back to the reason they began reading the article in the first place. This is extremely effective.

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